

  • My Feed

    Stay on top of all the interesting thoughts coming from your favorite hives.

  • Achievements

    Get rewarded for achieving. Voy achievements will unlock digital items, customizations and currency.

  • Quick Reply

    Get a faster answer to your question by sweetening the deal with some currency. Currency is divided up among the players in the swarm who answer it.

  • The Merchant

    A one stop shop for currency, digital items and customizations. Includes new glamours for your Chibee.

  • Search

    A robust way to search through all thoughts generated by hives you have access to.

  • Verified & Private Hives

    Create hives that either require some form of verification to join, or are entirely private—only visible to those you give access to.

  • Swarm Moderation

    Flagged questions are moderated by swarms, with members getting a reward regardless of the outcome.

  • Quickswarm

    Create a disposable swarm for your friends or associates accessible via a URL.

  • Hive Discovery

    Find new hives to join based on algorithmic recommendations.

  • Beezly For Discord

    Turn your Discord server into a superbrain and give your community a fresh and engaging game to play together. Can be used to automate certain levels of support.

  • Quality Score

    Rate responses to your questions up or down and see quality scores associated with each hive.

  • Customizable Swarms

    Control the look, feel, and sound of your swarming experience.

  • Withdraw Currency

    Exchange the in-app coins you’ve earned for cryptocurrency.